Tuesday, November 25, 2008


So...the other day, I had a slight panic moment when I realized that I have yet to choose a doctor for this baby! I have NO idea how to go about this process - so I thought I'd turn to you all for help!

For my local friends: Do any of you have a pediatrician/family practice doc that you love? I'd like to stay as close to the city as possible - but I'd be willing to drive to White Marsh or Towson.

For my out of town friends: What do you look for in a pediatrician? Do you go and interview them? How does this whole process work? Do you prefer a straight pediatrician, or a family practice doc?

Thanks ladies!!! Guess I should start to figure this stuff out :)

Friday, November 21, 2008


This is an email forward I got - but I'm gonna use it as a blog post! I'd love to see your responses, either in an email or on your blog. :)

Four places that I go to over and over:
  1. Home
  2. Church
  3. Caregroup
  4. Work

Four people who e-mail me (regularly):

  1. Danny
  2. Libby
  3. Julia
  4. Melissa

Four of my favorite places to eat

  1. LongHorn Steakhouse
  2. Chick-Fil-A
  3. Panera
  4. Noodles & Company

D) Four places you would rather be:

  1. Anywhere with my family all together :)
  2. Bermuda
  3. On a trail ride with my horse
  4. Shopping and having coffee with my mom, aunt and sisters.

(E) Four people I tag!

  1. Melissa
  2. Danielle
  3. Liz
  4. Kristin

F) Four TV shows I watch:

  1. Friends
  2. Lost
  3. Hopkins
  4. Any other medical/mystery/CSI type show! :)

How about the rest of you? What are your "fours"?

Friday, November 7, 2008

So blessed!

Danny and I feel so blessed this week! In only the last 7 days, I have had one baby shower at work, one at church, and found out about a family shower being thrown for Baby after he or she is here!

We are so grateful for the effort people have gone to just to shower us with their love and excitement as we have this baby.

On Halloween, there was a "Halloween party" at my work, or so I thought. I signed up to bring crab dip, and when they called me back to heat it up for the party, I was shocked to see a big sign in the lounge that said "Welcome Baby Cole!" Two of my friends at work had planned the whole thing as a surprise, and I definitely was!

Then on Sunday, our caregroup threw a church shower for me...which was so much fun! Every second of it was a blast, and I'll have to post some pictures later of the amazing decorating job!

Thank you to everyone who has contributed in any way to helping us prepare for this baby. Every time I walk in the nursery, I am amazed at how much we are loved, and the number of people who have helped, purchased gifts, made gifts, donated clothes, etc. just to help us get ready.

Thank you. We look forward to introducing him or her to you, not too long from now!