Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happles and babies

At least once a day right now, we've been trying to have some short conversation with Logan about his little sister's impending arrival, reminding him that I'll be going to the hospital when she comes out, and he'll get to come see us and then we'll bring her home.  Usually these conversations are sparked by some mention of the baby equipment around the house.  The other time it comes up is before naptime or bedtime when he's sitting on my lap snuggling and she starts pushing him around!

I wasn't surprised a few days ago when he asked to bring her ultrasound picture from the fridge upstairs with him, and we started chatting about it.  While we were chatting, he started telling me about the "happles", and "baby out", and "hug kiss".  The latter two phrases I got, but I was awfully confused about the "happles"!  I couldn't figure out what apples had to do with her, or how he had made this connection.  When I asked him if he was saying apples, he just kept saying "No mommy, happles".  Okay...still not getting it.  Finally he said "grandma happles", and I realized that he was saying hospital!!  I said "Oh!!  You mean hospital?"  He grinned at me and said "Yes Mommy" as if that really is exactly how it sounded coming out of his mouth and I really was the less intelligent one here. 

Then as I put him in his crib with his baby sister's picture and frame, he insisted that "baby sit nap".  Thinking he meant for me to sit on his little couch while he napped, I said no, and he thrust the frame through the crib slats, and repeated it.  Ahh, I get it.

So, all in little boy's current thoughts about his baby Taylor consist of "Mommy happles, baby out, hug kiss" (Mommy goes to the hospital for baby to come out, I come and hug and kiss her), and "Baby sit nap" and his little picture frame is still sitting on his couch, watching over him while he naps  :) 

Silly boy.


Melissa said...

How sweet!!

Mandie said...

Cute! So glad he's getting excited about his little sister.