Monday, September 8, 2008

25 week marveling

This past week at work I had an interesting, amazing experience. On Saturday, Baby and I hit the 25 week mark of this pregnancy. I realize these 2 things don't seem to have anything in common, but I promise they do :)

At work, we have what is called the "resus" team. This is short for resuscitation team. This team includes a nurse, resident, fellow, and whomever else may be necessary. We attend all premature and otherwise possibly high risk deliveries in order to provide care for the baby. On Friday, I was assigned to the resus team.

Usually, this means that my day would probably include 2 or 3 full-term deliveries that are high risk for whatever reason, or maybe one preterm delivery that we then bring down and admit to our unit. However, on Friday, this meant 5 full-term deliveries that we attended and sent to full term nursery, 1 29-weeker that I admitted to our unit, and one 25-weeker. While I've been resus before, I've never had anything smaller than a 28 weeker, and even then, that was only once. I was definitely nervous knowing that a 25 weeker was on the way, for 2 different reasons. First, 25-weekers are fragile!!! They're still really little, and really early! Stabilizing them is not always easy. Secondly, being 25 weeks pregnant, I wasn't sure how it would feel to see a fresh 25-weeker and be responsible (as part of a team) for the survival of this little one!

God's grace was very evident throughout the delivery and resus of this 25-weeker. The resus went beautifully, the team worked together well, and I was wonderfully supported by both our doctors and my charge nurse. I was so grateful for God's grace throughout the resus! It went as well as it could have, and the little guy did really well! He still has a long road of him, but a good start always helps.

Later on, as I stood by the bedside, I just marveled at the goodness of God. Knowing that this perfectly formed little baby is just about the same as my little one brought me to tears. I wonder, why does God allow mine to stay in my womb and continue to grow when this one was brought out early? On the way home, I heard a song and one of the lines is "God is God and I am not, I can only see a part of the picture He's painting. God is God and I am man, so I'll never understand it all, for only God is God." What a perfect chorus to hear that evening. I am not God, I never will be, and I may never understand it all, but God is God. All I know is that I am amazed at the life He's growing in me, and His goodness to us throughout this pregnancy.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what an experience you get, being a nurse in that particular field and being pregnant too! I can imagine such an experience would be so sobering and make you so thankful!

Libby said...

ah, friend, your post made me cry! (it doesn't take much, ha). But your post was so sweet and amazing to hear God's grace on you as you're walking through these months!

Melissa said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing. I'm thankful you had the opportunity to see God's hand in it all.
I'd like to find that song as well. It's certainly applicable to where we are right now in the midst of several big issues.
Love you,

AJoy said...

Kjirstin. Wow... I can only imagine. I can't wait for you to be a Mommy! Kjirstin, what an amazing gift from God.