As of October 8th, at almost 10 months old, our little man has finally climbed his way back onto the growth charts!! It's been a few months of occasional anxiety for me as I've tried to do everything I knew how to make him gain weight, and often wondered if I'm doing the right thing, or doing everything I can.
Yesterday, Logan weighed in at 17 lbs. 6 ozs. and 27 1/2 inches long. This puts him at the 5th percentile for weight and the 10th for length. I'll take that!! For the past several visits his weight has not been on the chart, so this is a definite improvement.
I'm learning, ever so slowly (SO slowly), that as much as I want to, I just cannot control everything about my little man. I want to do everything right, and know exactly what I'm doing, and that's just not how it works. If that were the case, there would be no need to learn to trust in the Lord and HIS plan, and I would probably take any successes as my own, and not give the credit to whom it is due.
In the past several weeks, our baby boy has gotten so much bigger! Not necessarily in size, but in his activity and actions, and attitudes.
The silly things he's doing:
~ Clapping his hands when I come in to get him out of his crib, or out of his carseat.
~ Standing up in his crib, or sitting with his legs through the bars swinging his feet and talking to himself.
~ Blowing lots and lots of raspberries!
~ "Hiney scooting" around our house, instead of just regular crawling :)
~ "Reading" himself...out loud...and often in the stroller with his feet up on the tray.
The sweet things he does:
~ He's turned a little more snuggly again, and when I get him up from his crib, he lays his head on my shoulder for a few minutes and pats my back - this is probably my favorite thing.
~ He LOVES his daddy - and the look on his face when Danny walks through the door every night is priceless!
He's precious, and we love him. We are so blessed.